15 October 2019

Labor yesterday established it’s Multicultural Policy Caucus Committee (MPCC) – to ensure the concerns and experiences of all Australians are reflected in all deliberations and decision-making.

The committee will be chaired by Anne Aly MP, and Senator Raff Ciccone will be its secretary.

It brings together the lived experience and representational understanding of caucus members, in examining legislation impacting on multicultural communities, consulting with stakeholders and providing specialist advice to the Leader and the Shadow Minister for Multicultural Affairs.

Shadow Minister for Multicultural Affairs Andrew Giles said that the caucus committee will have a focus on consultation with multicultural stakeholders, especially new and emerging communities.

“The Morrison Government has no plan to support multicultural communities, tackle racism and no plan to realise the strengths of Australia’s diversity.

“I look forward to working alongside my caucus colleagues to boost Labor’s engagement with established and emerging culturally diverse communities and ensure that we work alongside these communities every step of the way to better reflect their concerns in Parliament”.

Caucus Committee Chair, Anne Aly MP said: “approximately 1 in 4 Australians was born overseas, and many people born here will have migrant parents. This committee represents Labor’s commitment to ensuring that our policies are meaningful for all Australians. I look forward to my role as Chair and working with my colleagues on this committee.”

Secretary of the Committee, Senator Raff Ciccone said that after six years under the Liberal National Government multicultural communities in Australia have been overlooked and not given the respect they deserve.

“Labor is committed to working with people from every background who call Australia home. 

“My parents left their home country in search of a better life to give my brother and I the very best opportunities that Australia has to offer. They believed that with hard work and dedication Australia was the best place to raise a family.

“I am excited to be helping make sure multicultural communities have a voice in the decisions of our Caucus,” Senator Ciccone said. The MPCC will operate in a similar fashion to existing caucus committees such as the Status of Women Caucus Committee and the First Nations Caucus Committee, and membership will be open to all caucus members.